Monday, December 26, 2011

#3-What do you do when your computer hates you OR the girl at the bar is wayyy to drunk next to you?

^^Kurt- Bless your soul for dealing with these Marina kids^^
My answer to both, smash the laptop. Preferrably in a way that the annoying girl next to you will decide you're a hooligan and leave the bar...just kidding...kind of.

On another note:

Here we go Mauna Loa. What can I say? Honestly, it has become my local watering hole of choice. (I was grandfathered into this clause by my roommate (floormate, I sleep in a sleeping bag- good news, I can sleep anywhere and enjoy it.) Annnnnyway... off my brief rant and smoke break ::this is where you get all disappointed in my disgusting habit..."I'm quitting, I swear."::
Mauna Loa- It truely is a lovely place, between the bartenders and the owner that is. Crowd, well, I prefer it on a slightly slower's nestled in the Marina. I'm sure if I had the money these kids throw around, I would enjoy their company as well. I have, however, met more then my fair of decent folks fact, I've met many...and if I could figure out how to tag all of their facebooks, I would. But I can't.
 They have a decent selection of beer...nothing too out of the norm but something anyone can enjoy... I mean, I won't argue about Ommegang BPA(drink), Mad River Steelhead Extra Pale (drank), Boddingtons Pub Ale, North Coast Scrimshaw, or Bear Republic Racer 5(drunk)...look...I'm an East Coast gal, these aren't always readily available for the likes of myself. (I guess I should really settle into this whole "West Coast" thing.) As for liqour, I can't complain. I order my shots, I get my shots, I get hammered. It's a good time. If I was more of a scotch gal, my knowledge lacking, I'd fill you in on that too. (Recently I have found that beer and scotch drinkers then to go hand in hand.)

So all in all, I'm happy here with this as my local bar...Udi, Udi, Udi is rocking everywhere, Kari is a badass mofo, and Jen...well she has saved me from some uber creepers....and Kurt- the Owner- always a pleasure to be around his company.

So Cheers to local watering holes, great bartenders, and a beer selection in the Marina that I don't hate.

(Do I cheers this again, or is that the B52 shot...I already told you I have small titties-don't hate.)

((LASTLY- my roommate wants me to explain why I almost took the gal out- if you reallllly want to know, you have to tell me to explain...which means you @$#&*Q($ need to leave me a comment.))

AMMENDUM: Cody has informed me that I never mentioned what I've actually had to drink. So here we go:

Steelhead Extra Pale Ale (American Pale Ale)
Mad River Brewing Co.- Blue Lake, CA
ABV 5.60%
**nothing super special, but I would be fine having another. Light on the carbonation and an overall easy drink.

Throw my girly shot into the mix- B52 (Baileys, Kahluha, Grand Marnier)

And I'm not reviewing Guiness, I would hope you all went through college at some point. (or killed your liver at the parties anyway.)

And my happy self also is going to add- to the lovely gentleman to the right of me... I surely hope you find happiness at somepoint in life because I feel that right now you lead a very sad, mundane sex life.

Cheers! Again!

1 comment:

  1. I real B52 has Absinthe. Second why did you almost take the girl out?
